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Все публикации пользователя uomo

  1. uomo

    Today banned again. Pls noobs learn to play this low game. Watch demo, how play L.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9ylz6n9etnqci6/lll.dem?dl=0 For all screenshoot: https://steamcommunity.com/id/psiho_lud/screenshots/?appid=240
  2. uomo

    Add admin with free time. All day play cheaters And ungag me This is a game not a jail
  3. uomo

    Remove voteban plugin totally
  4. uomo

    Disable my nick from voteban menu.
  5. uomo

    Why everyone think me of cheating.... I am old gamer and have good headphones with voice off in game.
  6. uomo

    Add more good admin with high IQ. And antiteamflash
  7. uomo

    Remove FOG from dust 2
  8. uomo

    Where are admins? I suspect two hackers. Nezemnou https://www.dropbox.com/s/y223oj2o3nwpy6c/nezemnou.dem?dl=0 # "NeZeMnOu [БЛЭТ]" [U:1:179142992] Disdas https://www.dropbox.com/s/8b4hwo66rutn302/disdas.dem?dl=0 Disdas is a hiidden tactic wallhacker
  9. uomo

    Ok. New bothack # 1058 "4" [U:1:918063536] mouz 4 https://www.dropbox.com/s/gu636cp8ox46zck/mouz4.dem?dl=0
  10. uomo

    mdma.19 go spectate L... :D