12 октября, 2020 So somehow, a user called Sutrys_ID, is harassing me, telling lies about me, insulting me and making me go really mad. And asking Satan to literally permanently ban me from the server. And me being sometimes salty (not toxic) kept telling Sutrys to stop. However, i suggest putting us both a chat ban for about 3 days since She/he does not stop fighting Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
13 октября, 2020 Nobody can put you in permanent ban just by asking some admin. What I see from chat history is he really harassing you, but I can't know the context and decide who is started the conflict. It seems to me that before you get banned or muted for no reason these are your personal beefs, in which I should not interfere Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение