Heya guys,


So my in-game name is Mariannn. and my problem is that I got muted for 5 days for calling a witch a "crazy bitch". Are you guys for real ? That's what even the characters from the game call her/it. I looked around your so called "Ban" list and I saw far worse swearing that resulted in a day, 2 TOPS mute. And I get 5 days for "bitch", really ? It's not the first time I've been muted on this server for an excessive amount of time while not using such bad words that begets such a treatment. All this while other guys, mostly the ones speaking russian, get away with far worse insults.


I mean, look, this guy used the same word as me, only in plural and got 1 day. C'mon, guys....


11 Jun 09:32 uz.gif DH | HACK Mut Message (YOU'RE BITCHES) 1 d
  1.png Coop # 15

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Hello! First, you should understand why someone gets 1 day mute, and you get 5 days for such «small» violation.




If you look to your mutes history, you can see that every next mute was a day longer than previous, that's how it's works. Those guys who get muted for 1 days it's because they has been muted for first time on this servers, and you muted 5 time for past year. Duration of mute will be increasing each time you receive mute.


Anyway I have removed your mute, if this really was addressed to witch, than it's a mistake of admin that issued this mute (@Oguzhann)


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the number of days written there is not about me

system chose

i can't see a witch there

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@bullet28 I see how the mute system works now, thanks for your reply. Although I think there should be some sort of reset thingie seeing how the first mute I received was in october last year... Anyway, yeah, it really was addressed to a witch that downed/insta killed me,  I specifically mentioned that on the server as soon as someone, I think turk-something-something, warned me that I was about to get muted.

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Any mutes older than 365 days is not count, so actually 'reset thingie' exists.

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