4 октября, 2019 HI, I used to play in server BCM Italy Only #9. My Nick i use to play is Asfand. I was playing today and some players of opponent team banned me but with no reason. I use to play since few months and nothing happened like this. I dont know why they ban me and just bcoz i was unable to handle from them. I only understand english language. Увидели читера? Пишите !voteban *DEAD* Peekaboom : !voteban *DEAD* JasonSPB : !voteban *DEAD* Piggy : !voteban [Голосование] Выдать бан игроку Asfand? Игрок Asfand забанен (Голосование игроков (Нуб|Школьник)) Результат: За: 5 | Против: 1. Disconnect: Вы забанены. Посетите playbcm.net для доп. информации. Disconnect: Вы забанены. Посетите playbcm.net для доп. информации. these messages i have seen and they constantly harassing. Is there any way for those player who want to play neat and clean game instead of doing this with others? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
4 октября, 2019 ban expired, if the incident happens again, I’ll take action 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение