Its last 1 Week i can change My name In the Server Why...

i am Change The name But Its Change to reverse to

please bullet Do Somethink its very Bad..there are Alot Of My Friend don't know me Who playing in the game.....Please Allow to i Will Change The name in the Server.....


Thankx you that's its...

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Жук да оставь ты его в покое)

i am apologies for  Жук server but they not give me the replay and they not interest me to give the answer in the server i am say to

sorry but they are selfish run away like i am not there that's not good :(

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Странник, а  его больше и не трогал. 

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Странник, а  его больше и не трогал. 

so can i change my name or Not thankx for replay

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what ??

It's sarcasm lol

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Justin, Hello. Sorry but you have your NICK NAME. nobody didn't delete your Nick

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Justin, Hello. Sorry but you have your NICK NAME. nobody didn't delete your Nick

I can Change name to justin Ajmal why you are not understanding its mean i can change any nick name in the server....

its auto change to someone set my name Auto to

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I can Change name to justin Ajmal why you are not understanding its mean i can change any nick name in the server....

its auto change to someone set my name Auto to

HOW? I really couldn't find about your Nick


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Your nickname was blocked for "ЖуК Kurwa". I'll remove it now, but note that I'm doing it for the last time.

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