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    В групе замечен  1 ак из ваком и ником мемати на соляре  о котором я упоминал в теме https://steamcommunity.com/id/anawayak .

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    1. Показать предыдущий комментарий  ещё 15
    2. Призрак сервера

      Призрак сервера

      @Memati SourceMod Anti-Cheat gave me information.
      Your accounts have been spotted there several times.
      (I know what randomness and a random ban are due to the fault of the admin, but when it is repeated 2 times, I will say this is a collision. But when it is repeated 3 times, it is systematic)
      Understand me. You are not arguing with me, but from the SourceMod Anti-Cheat machine. I just provided information.


    3. Memati


      @Призрак сервера SMAC is the stupid thing i have ever seen 

      and It makes mistakes and does not give correct information sometimes

      and you can test it by your self go to madx server or any server have SMAC and make your mouse1 bind to scroll up or down or you can use any script fast m1 or etc and you will get ban for "cheating" so the SMAC you are talk about is shit anyway and why you talk like if jack is me?

      you keep say lies and you did not even say where you get this info that jack is me? if you not even play madx? 

      its a shit machine not more and shame that you not know this 

    4. Призрак сервера

      Призрак сервера

      @мематиDon't accuse me of lying. I'm just providing information. Which concerns you.
      Is this account not yours either? and wak ban on it is random?

      I will repeat myself, but I am only providing information to the public. Believe it or not is everyone's business.

      You may not believe my words. But I am probably the only person who gave you a chance to prove his shooting as a defense against accusations. But you ignored it.
      I am also a very old player cs 1.6 and l4d1, 2. I know what shooting, shooting theory, shooting theory, the effect of mouse sensitivity on accuracy, etc. And in my experience you are an old player too. But the level of your shooting at ping 130 was a little surprising. This is usually played with low ping. That is why I wanted to see your abilities in synthetic aim tests, as well as on the stream from the screen and mouse camera.

      Also, you do not want to communicate with me openly. Even the moment when I just asked where you got your cfg from.


      you probably did not understand me about SMAC / I will repeat myself

      (I know what randomness and a random ban are due to the fault of the admin, but when it is repeated 2 times, I will say this is a collision. But when it is repeated 3 times, it is systematic)

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