muting people without any reason and my team flashing me i said to sovac stop flashing me and he said ofc true and nervous me and he isnt muted him

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fuck you isnt insult thats small i didnt insulted any of family and u didnt see he was flashing me always always i dont know why go ask him why 4days for fuck you thats really iam gonna leave 

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4 минуты назад, thebestkiller сказал:

fuck you isnt insult thats small i didnt insulted any of family and u didnt see he was flashing me always always i dont know why go ask him why 4days for fuck you thats really iam gonna leave 

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unban me and i wont do it again i dont know fuck isnt allowed yesterday u didnt see people are fighting with family insults and they're never got muted iam only said fuck you and then i told him not for you it was mistake

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В английской речи устойчивое выражение fuck yoy переводится по разному, много вариантов перевода в зависимости от контекста или разговора, даа это 100% не оскорбление) лол, как не крути это оскорбление 

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Тебя уже прощали, ты ничего не понял. Я не буду снимать наказание. Жди главных администраторов, может они простят тебя. Но это вряд ли.



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Forgive the people who is insulting sisters and mothers but is said fuck you and now one insulting and no one muted him u are just bad and hater

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fuck you isnt anything but there is another words mean insult fuck you is only like u are dog its not bad word but the problem is bad behavior is saying too much bad words i only said fuck you only because i was very nervous i told him stop flashing me and then he flashed me again

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Коротко подведем итоги протеста:

Question: Please unmute me.

Answear: FUCK YOU!

P.S. I`m so nervous....

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Briefly summarize the results of the protest:

Question: Please unmute me.

Answear: FUCK YOU!

P.S. I`m so nervous.... 

when i said fuck you?? u dont know what is problem go away

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