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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем Alexandr20

  1. Saint Fox В других бывал, уже вышел давно, так что не переживай, в других меня нет. Правила нарушать не буду, не имею права.)

    А хотел спросить, мат умеренный, в смысле можно, но не да такой степени, я правильно понял, а только Madx или все сервера  ?, я про мат.)

  2. Clearly, the people do not understand.

    If you are an Administrator, please disable the option to disable comments or close this topic.

    Thanks for your attention.

  3. Please post photos on the topic, as written at the very top, throw here photos normal HISTORICAL, and not any bullshit. This topic is not gags, banter, etc. We kindly ask you to post photos such as on the top 2 photos preferably with the inscription. If you want to joke, it is better ned to lay out all garbage, etc do not abuse the topic. P. s Photos of the years 1700x 1800x and before 1900 Thanks for understanding. Don't break the rules of the topic. What is written on the top, then spread it out.

  4. Dear. As you have already understood, by name.Subject Historical Photos(Historical photos). You can upload here any photos on this subject, photos must be years such as 1700x g, 1800x g, before 1900x g. 


    1 photo 1838. Paris. The Boulevard du temple.

    2 photo 1839. Robert Cornelius (self-Portrait-the first selfie).


